Monday 21 August 2017



With regular studies published on health and fitness, it can be difficult to keep up with all of the information out there. Some of the findings repeat health advice that’s been around for years, but others are a little more shocking. Take a look at these 10 health facts that might surprise you.

1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away

An image of 5 ‘Strange’ Health Myths
If only this was true. If you’re a fan of sugary binges topped up with booze and fast food, and have been relying on that one apple a day as a saving grace, we’ve bad news - you can’t take it so literally.
This old English proverb is referring to nutritious foodstuffs as a whole and how, by making the right diet choices, you can avoid trips to doctor. Apples in particular are a great choice - high in antioxidants, they help curb cancers, decrease your risk of diabetes and leave you teeth sparkling.

2.Drink 8 glasses of water a day

In case you hadn’t heard, you don’t need to treat ‘drinking 8 glasses of water a day’ as gospel. It’s purely a recommendation - there’s no scientific formula behind what one person should drink, it’s varies. ‘8 glasses’ is there as a figure to aim for as staying hydrated is very very important.Image result for healthy tips

Image result for benefits of drinking water pics3.Use a lime to ease a headache

If you're someone who suffers a lot from migraines or headaches and you’re sick of taking pills, then try using limes instead to fight the ailment. It’s thought that the fruit’s scent relieves headaches, and the coolness from the lime could also help to reduce the pain associated with the common complaint. To naturally reduce a headache, slice the lime in half and massage the fruit over your forehead or focus on the specific area that aches
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